Sunday, May 1, 2011



I love funny , crazy and sometimes offensive T-shirts. I always have.
If you ever want to get tons of attention at a bar, pub or tavern all you need to do is wear one. CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT ALL THE SHIRTS

I have a couple of personal favorites. My top favorite says "I am the one you have to blow to get a drink around here".
Guaranteed to get tons of stares and even people asking me where I got the shirt and how they can get one for themselves.
Matter of fact I got so many requests that I decided to work as an affiliate and make a little bit of money in exchange for sending people to their site.
So not only will I make a little bit of money selling Tshirts but anybody that I can sign up for the site will also make money and I will make money of of what they sell. Its great.
Here are some of the shirts you can buy.

The models are pretty hot.
There is also a section for Babies Tshirts. There is nothing funnier then a lil squirt wearing a funny tshirt.
Now about the affiliate program. The information I am providing you will be so that you sign up under me. You would want anybody you sign up for to do the same right?
So here are some of the details but you will need to do the rest on your own.

Tshirt Hell pays you $4 for every shirt a visitor you send to T-Shirt buys! That's right, $4 for every single shirt that's sold. Doesn't matter if we're selling the shirt for $7, $10 or $ make $4 for every shirt sold!

You also make $1 for every shirt a webmaster who signs up under you sells, using our 2-tier program.

All you have to do is link T-Shirt WE TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING ELSE. If you've been looking for a way to make money with your over-the-edge website besides the typical porn click-thrus and piss-them-off pop-ups, THIS IS THE WAY!

Click here for details:

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